What is New Mover IP Targeting?

New Mover IP Targeting is a marketing strategy for reaching new movers in an area. It is a form of ad targeting where the focus is on people who have recently moved to a location.

New Mover Targeting can be done in many ways, but the most common way is through IP address targeting. This process involves using data from physical addresses, converting them to IP addresses online, and then using this information to target advertising to those locations.

The ads appear on devices on that household’s IP, including computers and mobile devices. The ads themselves are display advertisements that appear on websites through popular online ad networks. These sites include, email portals, news websites and more.

This unique marketing strategy can be used by local businesses to directly reach new area residents who may not have heard of them yet or are unfamiliar with their products or services. This strategy is very effective when it comes to acquiring new customers.

What are the benefits a new mover marketing campaign?

Welcoming people who have just moved into their new house is a great way for any business to increase exposure to a new audience.

They are new to the area, and they are looking for help. Their needs may include home remodeling, plumbing, new HVAC systems, security, lawn care, banking, professional services and more.

This is perfect opportunity to introduce your business or service right when it is needed.

The first contact with your business is a crucial opportunity to make an impression. The marketing industry is constantly changing. Traditional marketing methods are not as effective as they used to be. While mail outreach has been around for decades, digital new mover targeting is still an emerging market. This provides an opportunity to reach new leads before your competition.

By connecting to specific households, you eliminate advertising spending waste. Ads are served directly to the devices connected to the selected IP addresses.

Your targets are selected for you. You automatically reach and target new mover households for a 90-day window. As they drop off, new targets are added automatically. This means your advertising campaign can run continuously and automatically to relevant leads.

Your ads can point to wherever you want. Many advertisers create a special ‘welcome to the neighborhood’ landing page with a specific offer or discount. This can also provide an opportunity for visitors to sign up for your email list or text program.

It’s affordable. Depending on the number of impressions and targets, you can easily spend less on IP targeting than sending mailings.

new homeowner needs local services

How does new mover IP targeting differ from geotargeting?

Targeting customers based on their location has become more and more popular in recent years. This strategy, known as geo-targeting, is a way for companies to advertise to people in a specific location.

Geotargeting is limited to a specific area. This can be a zip code, town or even a neighborhood. But rather than targeting everyone in an area, new homeowner direct marketing with IP targeting selects only specific houses where there is a new resident, which allows for even more granular location-specific ads.

(If you are interested in geotargeting or targeting existing customers, we can also help with that.)


As a community grows, so does the need for more services. This is especially true for new residents who need immediate services and may not be aware of the available options.

So, the question comes down to who can reach these new homeowners first – you or your competition?

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